[wicket] 怀着学习的心态探讨wicket的不足,请指教

vulcan 2010-06-18
刚刚看了一下wicket, 有点疑惑,请各位先研究的同学指教:

起因:Seam 2.2.0 支持wicket作为表示层框架,所以看了看seam中的使用wicket做的booking例子,不过第一印象没有想象中的美好,总的感觉是像DotNet 2003的情况,在页面中用标签(wicket是用纯的xhtml加wicket:id的情况)定义一些控件,然后在后台代码中还要把所有的控件全部用编程的方法定义一遍,这就是我当初恶心DotNet 1.1,VS 2003的原因,而到了Dot Net 2.0, VS 2005,有了Partial Class的概念,那么重复性的工作不用做了,并且DotNet 3.5, VS 2008,方便程度又有了进一步的发展。不过在Java的世界中,基于组件和事件编程的框架远没有DotNet中来得好,不论是基础框架还是IDE支持。
现在不是流行Ajax吗,如果我全部要用id来指示每个可以绑定数据的控件,还要在后台代码里面声明每个控件,我为什么不选择使用JSON传递一个DTO对象过来,然后用jQuery这种可以灵活操作DOM的JavaScript框架,绑定对象到表格或者控件呢?再说seam中默认的使用JSF作为标识层的情况,感觉却还好,之所以可以忍受JSF的标签,是因为标签为我们封装了太多的功能,比如数据校验,数据转换,状态维护等等一系列功能,就说这个DataTable数据绑定,JSF中也比wicket中来得直观很多,页面中一个id,代码中一个id,而且这种IDE根本不好支持自动补全,而不像JSF中使用EL,IDE可以提示;既然这样,还不如使用jQuery绑定数据到页面组件中。比如我可以用下面的JS代码绑定JSON数据到HTML Table
  * bind data to a table
  * @Author: Yi Can alva.yi@gmail.com
  * TODO add table sort and pagination
  * var data = [{id:1, foo: 'foovalue', bar: 'barvalue'},
  *				{id:2, foo: 'foovalue2', bar: 'barvalue2'}];
  * <table id="foobar">
  * <tr>
  *		<td>ID</td>
  *		<td>FOO</td>
  *		<td>BAR</td>
  * </tr>
  * <tr>
  *		<td id="id"></td>
  *		<td id="foo"></td>
  *		<td id="bar"></td>
  * </tr>
  * </table>
  * $.bindTable('#foobar', data);
  * @selector - the jquery selector to get the table
  * @data - the paged data
  * @rowCallback  - call the callback function before insert a row
  *		arguments: currentRow - current row to be added to the table
  *				   row_index - the current row idx, start from zero
  *				   data - the given data list
  * @cellCallback - call the callback function before bind value to a cell
  *		arguments: currentCell - the current cell to be filled
  *				   key - the key of current cell
  *				   row_data - data for the current row to be added to the table
	  * bind data to the table or add data to the table
	  * if you want to rebind the data, you must use clearTable first
	 bindTable: function(selector, data, rowCallback, cellCallback) {
		 if (! $(selector).is('table')) {
			 alert('the selector must match a table element.');
		 //clone a row of tbody
		 var modelRow = null;
		 var container = $(selector);
		 //get the first 'tr'
		 var ridx = 0; //the first row
		 //find the max tr number
		 var rowCount = $('tr', selector).size();
		 while(ridx < rowCount) {
			modelRow = $('tr:eq('+ridx+')', selector);
			if ($('td[id]', modelRow).size() > 0) {
			} else {
		 // the model row was found
		 if ($('td[id]', modelRow).size() == 0) {
			 alert("no model row was found, a row with id for cells is required.");
			 return; //no model row
		 //iterator over the data
		 if ($.isArray(data) && data.length > 0) {
			 modelRow.show().remove(); //remove the model row from the container
			 for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
				 var newRow = modelRow.clone();
				 if (rowCallback && $.isFunction(rowCallback)) {
					 rowCallback(newRow, i, data);//give the data to be bound
				 $('td[id]', newRow).each(function(){
					 var key = $(this).attr('id');
					 if (cellCallback && $.isFunction(cellCallback)) {
						 cellCallback($(this), key, data[i]);//give the data row to be bound
					 //support automatic date format by css class
					 var value = data[i][key];
					 if ($(this).hasClass('date') && value) {
						 //format the json date to the yyyy-MM-dd
						if (typeof(value) == 'string') {
							var pos = value.indexOf('T');
							if (pos != -1) {
								value = value.substring(0, pos);
						if (typeof(value) == 'number') {
							var t = new Date(value);
							var y = t.getFullYear();
							var m = t.getMonth() + 1;
							var d = t.getDate();
							//correct the digits
							if (m < 10) m = "0" + m;
							if (d < 10) d = "0" + d;
							value = y + "-" + m + "-" + d;
				 if (! newRow.attr('id')) {
					 newRow.attr('id', 'r_'+i); //add a default row id
				 //insert the new row to the container
		 //TODO cope with the give Page<T> DTO
	  * get the a dict of a row from the table
	 getRowData: function(selector, idx) {
		 if (! $(selector).is('table')) {
			 alert('the selector must match a table element.');
			 return null;
		 //find the target row
		 var targetRow = $('tr:eq('+idx+')', selector);
		 if (targetRow.size() == 0) {
			 return {}; //not found
		 var data = {};
		 $('td[id]', targetRow).each(function(){
			 var key = $(this).attr('id');
			 data[key] = $.trim($(this).text());
		 return data;
	  * clear the data table and only leave the model row
	resetTable: function(selector) {
		 //get the first 'tr'
		 var ridx = 0; //the first row
		 var modelRow = null;
		 //find the max tr number
		 var rowCount = $('tr', selector).size();
		 while(ridx < rowCount) {
			modelRow = $('tr:eq('+ridx+')', selector);
			if ($('td[id]', modelRow).size() > 0) {
			} else {
		 // the model row was found
		 if (modelRow != null && $('td[id]', modelRow).size() > 0) {
			 $('tr:gt('+ridx+')', selector).remove();
			 // clear the model row
			 $('td[id]', modelRow).each(function(){
			 	 $(this).text(''); //empty the cell
			 modelRow.hide(); //hide the model row

parkerwy 2010-06-27
key232323 2012-03-20
greateWei 2012-04-07
parkerwy 写道

lxw_first 2012-04-26
avyi 2013-01-05
wicket直接架起了UI和Business Tier的关系,不需要考虑浏览器中JS和后端之间的通信,wicket全部帮你封装处理掉了。如果用你的方式,除非整个应用的UI全部放到浏览器中用HTML5/JQuery开发,否则就会多引入一层Browser中程序和后端web上程序通信的过程,需要考虑前后端的数据通信格式、timeout、重复、前进后退等一系列问题,所以总的工作量和考虑的地方要多。但wicket要求程序员的OO思想一定掌握到位,要不会感觉用起来不爽,但一旦掌握wicket,就很少有人再离开wicket。也许这就是为什么在国外wicket比较流行的原因吧。
avyi 2013-01-05
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